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Scholarship Facility

Scholarship to meritorious students.

Books & Library

Huge collections of books and magazines

Certified Teachers

Our teaching and other staffs are highly quilified

Inspirational Quote

The task of leadership is not to put greatness into people, but to elicit it, for the greatness is there already.

- John Buchan.

Manager's Message

It is a matter of great pride for us to provide education to the young minds of the growing metropolis of India. We are sure that keeping in the true tradition of AlPINE CONVENT PUBLIC SCHOOL , the school will continue to set higher standards of excellence in education.

At AlPINE CONVENT PUBLIC SCHOOL , we seek to develop the child's physical, emotional and spiritual being, and we value equally the practical, the artistic, the social and the intellectual. The aim of AlPINE CONVENT PUBLIC SCHOOL is to place into the world balanced, well rounded and emotionally stable young people with a depth of understanding about themselves, their relationship with others, society and the times in which they find themselves. Our School aims to provide a foundation for community life where parents, grandparents, and children experience the most inspired, spiritual and loving education available in Kunda, Pratapgarh by teachers who are welcoming, approachable and who demonstrate the innate qualities of what is it to be human, those innate qualities that are nurtured and brought to the fore by the Philosophies of S. Radhakrishan.

A Persian Philosopher being asked by what method he has acquired so much knowledge, answered " By not being prevented by shame from asking questions when I was ignorant,"


Message by Principal

Dear Parents and Students, It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to AlPINE CONVENT PUBLIC SCHOOL website. As Principal I am hugely impressed by the commitment of the management and the staff for providing excellent all-round education for our students in our state of the art facilities.


Notice Board


  2. Admission Open in Session 2025-26

  3. We develop new learning environment